I've had a really busy time today. Having spent some time at the weekend photographing some scarves and brooches, and then quite a lot of time editing and preparing the images, I've spent all day uploading them to the web site. It takes ages to write the descriptions, key words etc. but it's a job well done. I've entered lots of products and lots of pictures so I'm hoping that, perhaps, I might have an order or two?
I made a really lovely scarf, last week. A friend gave me some striped, woollen fabric in lovely autumn colours, which I backed with a gorgeous piece of embroidered taffeta which I've been hoarding for ages. The result is a luxurious, fully reversible, warm scarf .
Last Friday, I nuno felted a hand-dyed pink silk scarf. I used a very fine layer of pink merino wool and decorated it with wisps of grey/blue merino and some small pieces of blue/lavender/beige wool yarn. I let the silk 'frill' at the edges. The result is a pretty, very lightweight, but surprisingly warm, scarf. It's not very big but its absolutely beautiful - the texture of the silk on the back is wonderful.