Sunday, 15 May 2011

Mixed fortunes

Well, we went to Walton Vale - not a howling success - I was not feeling very well - a tummy bug,  and the weather was awful which kept most people indoors.  It's such a shame, the other stallholders are really pleasant, there's plenty of variety,  but the weather always beats us there despite the best efforts of the organisers who even go out in the pouring rain giving out fliers. 

Because I was under the weather, not much got done until about Thursday - I had a look at my photos from the Lakes and Scotland and found there weren't many I really liked.   I did, however, make inroads into making blocks for the cot quilt, I've made about 36 squares - I only need another 84!   I'm beginning to run out of white/cream pure cotton fabrics so I'm going to have to buy some, which defeats the whole purpose which was to use up some scraps!  It was ever thus!  

On Friday, I felted some poppy flowers to make a corsage to wear on a black lace jacket - I had to be careful not to make them too heavy and bulky.   They have turned out really well - fine, bright red,  merino wool with black silk centres and shading.  I've beaded them with black beads to represent stamens and they look great - all I've got to do now is back them and attach a brooch pin.  When that's done, I'll post a photo of  the resulting corsage.

I also finished a couple of scarves and they went with us to the Village Hotel in Widnes today.   Oh dear, another dreadfully wet day - nobody in their right mind would have gone out in it -  so again, few people about.   Made some new friends and met up with some old ones - several of us will meet up again at the Chapel Gallery in Ormskirk in a few weeks.

The best news though, is that,  this week,  I made my first real sale through the website - great rejoicing.   I sold a felt brooch - let's hope it's the first of many sales.  

Can't wait for next Friday's day out at Aintree, not just to spend some money,  but I'll be meeting up with frends I made when doing my City and Guilds course - it should be quite a reunion.

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