Sunday, 11 December 2011

End of the season

Can’t believe that I haven’t posted since 19th November.   Where did that time go?   I must have been very busy.   Apart from spending the day curating the photo exhibition on 20th, I have been absolutely submerged with crafty stuff.   The exhibition, by the way, was a great success – it was very busy on the Sunday.   It looked really good and we had lots of encouraging comments in the Visitors’ Book.   Liz actually sold a print – she was the only exhibitor who did!    It was a black and white, still life which was bought be a lady who had come over from France to visit relatives and it is now, I hope, safely in its new home there.
The last week of November was pretty busy for us.  We were at the Chapel Gallery in Ormskirk all day on the Friday for their Christmas Craft Market which coincided with the switch on of the Christmas lights.   It was a long day and we saw lots of familiar faces and, in the evening, particularly it was quite busy.    The following day, we were in Lancaster at the Adult Education College, a favourite venue for us and, as usual, it didn’t disappoint.   On the Sunday, we braved the wind to set up our stall in the barn at Fir Tree Farm.   It was quieter than usual but we met up with some old friends and enjoyed our day there.
Last weekend was the ‘big one’ – St. Georges Hall, Liverpool, for both Saturday and Sunday.   Having worked our socks off to build up a good stock of things to sell we set out into the unknown early on Saturday morning.    We had booked parking on the plateau and, apart from having to carry all our boxes etc. up all the steps, everything worked out well.    We were in a side room off the main hall and it was lovely and light and airy and we were positioned between a photographer and felt maker.   We thought that this was probably not the best position to be in but it didn’t seem to affect sales.   We were very happy with our two days there and the stallholders on both sides were really good company.   There were over a hundred stalls there and the goods on sale were so varied it was a real treat to wander round and see what other people were doing.    All in all, we were really pleased with how it went and will definitely apply again next year.
Yesterday, I went on a spinning workshop – wow, do you have to concentrate?   It was like learning to drive, you have to spin the wheel, work the treadle and use both hands at the same time – it looks so easy when it’s done by an expert.    I came home exhausted but with two fairly respectable skeins of wool.   I don’t think I’ll be asking for a spinning wheel just yet, but I’ll definitely have another go and perhaps the bug will bite then.
Today, was our last craft fair of the season, before we take a rest until the New Year.   We went to Scorton, taking with us, as we have for weeks now, the Christmas table decorations which we were sure would be very appealing.  As with every other occasion, we brought them all back again!  That must rank as our worst idea so far.    It was a terrible day weather-wise and I think that kept all but the most hardy indoors so it wasn’t as successful as last time, but still worthwhile.
Now I’m going to put everything away while I get bedrooms ready for Christmas visitors and then, in the New Year, I’m going to see what new ideas and techniques I can come up with.   I’m hoping for some Craft books as presents and, no doubt, they will inspire me and get the creative juices working overtime.
Still none of the promised photos, but photography is on the back burner a bit at the moment, partly because my printer has gone to the hospital.   I am absolutely bereft, I hope it not something terminal – I’m quite attached to my rather  temperamental Epson 1900 despite its idiosyncrasies.   Let’s hope for the best.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Keeping up the momentum

The exhibition is upon us!   I will be spending all day there tomorrow; today we’ve been at the Mansion House, St. Helens, for a craft fair.   It was a good day, lots of lovely comments!  
Apparently, the exhibition has been well received with a steady flow of people coming to look at it.  I shall be able to judge its success better after spending the day there tomorrow.  Then there’ll be  the task of taking it down and returning all the prints to their rightful owners. 
On the craft front, I’ve been pushing on – mostly with felt book/diary covers, I’ve made quite a few now and I’m ready to move on to something else.  I’ve also made a few brooches – I think Winter is the season for brooches, people like them to brighten up their Winter coats.  
This week, I’ve been quite adventurous and self –indulgent!   I’ve made myself a felt hat – the first time I’ve tried a hat,  and it was quite daunting.   The completed item (well, almost completed) has quite a high crown and an asymmetrical brim – it doesn’t look half bad.  I haven’t decided yet whether to decorate it and, if so, with what.   Who knows I might have a photo of it soon – I might have photos of a lot of things soon – that’s one task I’ve neglected for weeks – must try harder.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Progress or is it?

Just a short blog this week.   We've been very busy getting ready for the Camera Club Exhibition.  We spent over 3 hours yesterday evening crawling around the floor surrounded by prints - putting titles on, sorting them into categories and deciding on the layout.  It's a job well done, it should make the actual mounting of the exhibition a bit easier.   There are over a hundred very varied prints and it should look really good.   We'll be there all Sunday, 19th,  and are quite looking forward to it. 

I've made great progress with the quilt,it's all sewn together and pressed ready to sandwich with the wadding and backing and do the actual quilting.   It looks absolutely exquisite (I think), so much so that I don't think I can bring myself to dye it - it's just beautiful as it is.    At present I think I will keep it as it is - I'll have a photo of it soon.

I've also been busy trying to build up my 'stock' - although I've only actually finished one scarf and a cowl and some Christmas cards!   I've made felt for some maple leaf brooches and a couple of diaries and they are in the final stages of completion so I should have them finished soon.     Watch this space!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Great news!

We went to St. Luke’s in Crosby on Saturday, taking our Christmas decorations and cards in the hope that Crosby has started its Christmas shopping.   The cards went very well, but the decorations didn’t attract anyone.    The same applied to our trip to Scorton on Sunday - I really think it’s too early for them – I think we’d better wait a couple of weeks.    Scorton Village Hall was a really busy, pleasant and well-organised venue and we will be going there again on 10th December.
 I have, at long last, completed enough square for my patchwork quilt.   I’m now in the process of joining them all together – then for the dyeing - can’t wait to see the results although it’s a bit scary – anything could happen.
My camera club, Maghull Photography Club,  is mounting an exhibition at Maghull Town Hall on 19th and 20th November, so we have been busy selecting and mounting prints to display.   We’ll also be involved in the organisation and curating of the exhibition as well, although not on the Saturday,  because we’ll be at the Mansion House, St. Helens, for a craft fair that day.   We’ll be there on the Sunday during the day and then we’ll help to dismantle the exhibition and tidy up.   It’s a lot of work for just two days but we’re looking forward to the chance to show the local community what the Club does and how much talent there is among the members.
Last year, we applied to take part in a really big event at St. George’s Hall in Liverpool and were really disappointed not to be accepted.   This year, it takes place over two days so we tried again.  We applied for both days in the hope of being successful for one of them.   Imagine our surprise when we were accepted for both Saturday and Sunday, 3rd and 4th December.   We’re going to have to work flat out to make sure we have enough ‘stock’.     Oh dear, that will be another excuse for not doing any housework!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Jet lag gone!

Just a short post, this week.   Considering that I was expecting to be jet-lagged this week, I have made quite a bit of progress.   Nothing new, just 7 more patchwork squares.

This afternoon, I made a piece of felt to cover a diary – it was a bit of an experiment I wanted to make a ‘picture’ of poppies against a blue sky.   Using some red pre-felts which were offcuts of the poppy corsage, I cut out three poppy shapes and added them to a background of pale blue, white clouds and green vegetation– they look great – it’s drying in the airing cupboard as I write.
Sadly, our trip to Lark Lane, yesterday, was our last for this year, but we hope to be there again when the season starts again in 2012!   I took some Christmas table decorations, gold pine cones and Christmas cards – although there was plenty of interest, only a few cards and cones sold.  Perhaps it’s a bit early?   I’ll be taking them with me to St. Luke’s in Crosby on Saturday, 29th October, and to Scorton Village Hall, on Sunday 30th – another  busy weekend ahead but I’m looking forward to it.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Down to work!

Down to work!

I haven’t posted a blog for a couple of weeks because I have been on a wonderful holiday.   We went on a tour ‘New England in the Fall’ to see all the beautiful Autumn colours.   Wow!   We timed it just right and the colours were amazing.  I have taken over 1000 photographs – heaven knows when I’ll have chance to process them but I’m looking forward to at least a couple of good ones.  It’s now time to get down to  work again.

I have done a little bit of craft since I came back – 9 more patchwork squares – I’ll have to have a count up soon and see how near the target I am.      I’ve also made 3 felt notebook covers, 2 in black and white and another in autumn colours – guess where the inspiration for that one came from?

Liz and I made another 4 Christmas table centres before I went away and I will be taking them to Lark Lane this Saturday to see if anyone shows any interest.   Having been into Liverpool shopping today, I’m also going to take some Christmas cards, the shops are full of them already.

I did start some more poppy corsages a couple of weeks ago but I haven’t made the centres for them so that’s another job unfinished.    I had intended to make some photo keyrings by now – I thought they’d make good stocking fillers but I ran out of time -  I’ll have to attempt them next week as well  – who knows, I might even have some photos to post!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A busy weekend

We delivered the photos of the Soap Corner's products on Tuedsay, Margaret seemed very pleased with them.  
Despite buying two  more different  fabrics for the quilt, I haven't made a single square since I last posted - I was out every evening last week - not socialising either, mostly meetings etc.   There is a shop in Marshside Road, Southport, which sells, among other things, a vast selection of patchwork fabrics - I would like to live there!  

I finished some felt book covers and they are now covering  2012 diaries and there will be more before too long.

Liz and I started on the Christmas table decorations last week, we only made 3 before we ran out of steam.  We intend to do some serious work on them this Friday.   

The weekend was extremely busy.  On Satruday, after delivering some of the Club's photos for a competition, we headed for Lark Lane.  We hadn't been there since July, so it was nice to meet up with all the familiar faces.   In fact, one couple who had bought prints from me before, came back for another one.    Apart from that, I didn't sell much apart from cards.

Sunday morning, very early, saw us heading for the unknown.   There was an Open Day at Wyresdale Hall and Country Park near Scorton which is between Preston and Lancaster.   We found it without too much difficulty,  despite the extremely narrow bridge over the River Wyre which was a bit daunting at first.   The Hall was an interesting old Manor House which I would have loved to visit, but we just didn't get the chance.  We hope to go back again, one day, to have a good look at it.    The Craft Fair itself was in a barn with the farmers' market.    It was very large, quite draughty,  and we shared it with some sheep!  However, we had dressed up in our walking gear so we were fine.    Surrounded by chutney, yoghurts, puddings etc. we had a great time.   There were lots of people browsing and buying, and quite a few took cards and said they'd either look at the website, or come to see us again when we visit Scorton Village Hall in November.   As usual, we met some very interesting people - especially Oliver, a gorgeous little boy who helped his mum and gran with their yoghurt/ice cream stall -  he entertained us greatly.    There was also a stall run by volunteers who were friends of Trinity Hospice in. or near, Blackpool.    They were selling the most beautiful, inexpensive, quilts and bags, and other crafts.   I hope they made a lot of money - they deserved it.   By the end of the day, when we had carried everything back to the car and made our way home,  we were absolutely exhausted - what a cure for insomnia.

On Monday, I had another busy but enjoyable day.  I went to run a mini felt-making workshop for my daughter and her friend.   We spent the whole day round her big kitchen table making felt.   They were both rank beginners but, by 'school run' time, they had each completed a piece of felt for a book cover and a small bag or purse, while I made a book cover and another felt bowl.   I hope they enjoyed the day as much as I did -  they said they did!

I've had my second ever order from the website this week - cue great rejoicing - it was for a double poppy corsage and I have already posted it.    I also had a call from the Coffee Etc Gallery in Parbold to say she'd sold some of my cowls and corsages, so I took some more there.    I need to get making some more corsages I think - perhaps on Friday.   So, all in all, an exhausting and successful week.


Sunday, 18 September 2011

The Rain it raineth................

I've worked hard, this week, with not a lot to show for it.   I've been busy every evening what  with activities which have just started again after the summer, a photography club committee meeting and some product photography.

On Tuesday evening, Liz and I went to 'The Soap Corner' to take some photos of Margaret's products for her web site.  Despite the fact that we are total novices at product photography and, thanks to the loan of a light tent, we were really pleased with the results.   We worked hard for 3 or 4 hours but we had a really pleasant evening - lots of laughs.    I've now finished the post processing and the photos are all ready to deliver - I hope they'll be acceptable - I think they will.

Our photography club is planning an exhibition at the local town hall in November so we are expecting to have to put in quite a few hours towards getting that ready.  

I actually bought some more fabric for the quilt, this week, you wouldn't believe how difficult it was to find 100% cotton in white or cream - I could have had any amount of plain but I really needed patterned.  In the event I bought some white spotted cotton and have completed 8 more squares but I still could do with another, different fabric, so that I can have some variety in the squares.   The search continues!

I've made a couple of pieces of felt and one red bowl this week.  The felt is now covering 3 diaries -  I can't believe that 2012 diaries are available already.  In the same vein, Liz and I are starting to make Christmas table decorations - we've already sprayed some pine cones and various seed heads and now we just need some candles and some greenery.   We have to get started now or we'll never get them done in time.

The Medieval Fair at Lydiate Abbey proved to be beyond us.   We arrived in very threatening weather at about 10.30 to start unloading.    We had just unloaded the table and a couple of boxes when there was a torrential downpour.   Even the tent which had been erected couldn't completely shelter us from the driving rain.  By about 11.15 the rain had eased but the damp had begun to penetrate the boxes so, reluctantly, we decided not to risk getting everything spoiled and we decamped.   It cleared up later in the afternoon but, by that time if we'd stayed, all my things would have been ruined.   It was such a shame the weather was so bad - the organisers had worked really hard and everyone was very disappointed, not least us. 

The plan, for the coming week is to try to catch up with everything which was put on hold last week - gardening in particular, and to prepare for the Craft Fair at Lark Lane on Saturday and Wyresdale Country Park, near Scorton, on Sunday.   It's going to be a busy weekend, I think.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Home again

I haven't posted for a couple of weeks, partly because I've been away for a few days.   I seem to be continually on holiday - it's got to stop!    Had a very enjoyable couple of days (except for the food poisoning) in Edinburgh. 

As promised in my last post, here are the photos of more treasure bags - I've actually completed all six now but haven't photographed the last two which a both in shades of purple.   I have taken the bags, some brooches and one or two other things to a new gallery which has opened at Coffee Etc. in Parbold.   It is newly opened and is a very pleasant place to go for a quiet cup of coffee and to browse through the lovely craft items and paintings exhibited.    It's not difficult to find, on the same side as the mill, a little bit nearer the railway - it is set back a little off the road so don't miss it.

My output since I last posted has been a bit sparse, but I've completed another 8 squares for the quilt and now I'm really struggling for fabric.   I'm going to have to bite the bullet and actually buy some - heigh ho!   

As well as that, I have completed another scarf and  have made a couple of pieces of felt which I intend to make more book covers with.  I  actually completed one earlier in the week and, before I could photograph it, I sold it.  

We went to a craft fair at the Chapel Gallery in Ormskirk, yesterday.   As usually, it was very well-organised and the space is light and airy.   Again, as usual, we met some old acquaintances and made a couple of new ones.   Liz and I both sold a scarf each and some photo cards.   All in all, we had a very pleasant day.

This week, I know I'm going to be very busy - a couple of meetings and social events.   Liz and I are also going to spend some time taking photos for a friend's website - I think it might be quite a learning curve - apart from our own website, neither of us are adept at product photography.   Here goes!

I wonder if, as well as all that, some gardening and the odd bit of washing, ironing, shopping, cooking etc,  I'll actually get some book covers made.  We'll see.

On Saturday next, 17th, we will be taking our wares to the Medieval Fair at St. Catherine's Abbey, Lydiate.   A new venture for us and, as it's outdoors, it would be wonderful if the weather would stay find for us.   Let's hope this awful wind has dropped by then or we'll spend the afternoon chasing our stock!

Monday, 29 August 2011

The great British Bank Holiday

Well, it looks like another typical Bank Holiday weatherwise, so I think I'll have a tidy up!  Ugh!   I have been doing all kinds of crafty things this week so it's time to put everything back in its rightful place and  start afresh.   Can anyone explain why, when I've tried to use up some scraps and bits and pieces from my 'stash', there never seems to be any more space?

I actually finished spinning the alpaca fleece this week - the results are not terribly successful - it's been washed again and wound into a ball, but there isn't enough to make anything with!.   The 'waste'. which was too short to spin, I decided to make a piece of felt with.   Despite lots of rubbing and rolling it turned out as just a hairy mass which is only just hanging together.    Not one of my successful ventures at all.

I've made great strides with backing up files and the archiving of photos which I had been putting off for ages - I've now archived everything up to the beginning of this year.  However, I  had hoped that clearing them all off the hard drive would speed things up a bit and it hasn't - a bit disappointing really.

I didn't get round to any feltmaking as I'd hoped, but perhaps I will today.   I have completed 10 more quilt squares but I'm fast running out of fabric - the idea was to use up stuff - not to have to buy more.   What a dilemma?    I've actually completed 3 of the 'treasure bags' - red and gold, purples and turquoise and jade green.   I am absolutely delighted with them - they look stunning.   I've posted a photo of the red and gold one and more photos will follow - hopefully, next week.

As promised, last week, I've posted a couple of photos of the glittery, knitted cowls - the photos don't really do them justice, they are very light and easy to wear and look really good worn with a plain top.  

And finally, I made the fabric for a book cover, yesterday, out of various  offcuts of felt which I'd used to make other book covers a while ago.   I used the embellisher to needlefelt them and some scraps of muslin which I'd dyed previously,  onto a piece of cotton which someone had given me.   My recycling instincts ( or is it just meanness) coming to the fore there.    To finish it off, I added some wool yarn and quilted the whole thing with curvy lines - it is, I think, spectacularly successful and I'll have a photo of that next week too.   

All in all a very productive week - can't promise as much next week though - some catching up with garden, housework, admin and other boring things to be done.

Sunday, 21 August 2011


 I haven't posted a blog for a fortnight now and that's partly because I was away last weekend visiting our daughter.   I'm still trying to catch up with all the things I said I was going to do in the last blog.   I haven't been idle though - I've done a bit of gardening, continued with the bags, knitted a couple of scarves but no more archiving.   I really must continue with that this week - my hard-drive is getting clogged up with photos.

We went to a craft fair at Fir Tree Farm, this Saturday and, strangely, didn't sell very much - I only sold some  photo cards and a print, and poor old Liz didn't sell anything.   We had both been busy knitting some glittery cowls out of a yarn called 'Starlight'  - they're like necklaces and very attractive.  I'll post a photo of one or two, next blog.  I hope they might be popular as autumn comes in.  

Today, I've spent ages carding some wool from one of  Margaret Hunter's alpacas - it is very fine, almost like human hair.   I've had a go at spinning it - it's not easy - in fact, it's a bit frustrating at times.   Because it is quite short and silky it needs a lot of joining and that's one thing I haven't quite got the hang of yet.   Anyway, it is good experience and I hope to try knitting it once it's been washed again.

Plans for this week include backing up all the files on my computer, ugh!    Another routine, boring, necessary job.    I'm hoping, all being well, to make some more felt for book covers, make some more squares for the quilt and to finish at least one of the bags (if I'm successful, there'll be a picture of that next week as well).   

Monday, 8 August 2011

That was the weekend that was!

 Had quite a hectic time again this week although I do seem to have achieved something for a change,  and what’s more, the hectic week was followed by an even more hectic weekend.  However,  we survived.

Alas, once again, the garden didn’t get any attention, but we did press on with plans to have the front drive paved and generally sorted out, so we spent a lot of time visiting garden centres etc. to find a suitable paving stone.   You wouldn’t think that would be difficult but it is. 

I continued with my archiving of photos – I’m up to June 2010 now – still a way to go though.    As well as finishing off the felt book covers I mentioned in last week’s blog, I made a couple of covers from felt pieces I had made ages ago and never finished.   I am determined to finish off some of the pieces commonly known as ufo’s (i.e. unfinished objects) and get more organised.   I managed also to make another couple of the organza flower brooches like the ones I made in June – one in greens and one in purples.     They are very attractive and I think I’d like to make some more in different colours.   

Because Friday’s textile group didn’t meet this week, I used to the time to prepare fabrics to use for some ‘treasure bags’  which I’ve also made before – they make lovely evening  bags or gifts.   I’m hoping to get on with them in the coming week.  

The weekend has been spent at craft fairs at Bickerstock Music Festival and Knowsley Flower Show.   At Bickerstock we were in a gazebo and were really lucky with the weather – it was very threatening most of the day but, luckily, we only had a couple of spots of rain.   It was a lovely atmosphere, very well organised and with a variety bands and groups.     The festival goers were interested and interesting; especially one lovely lady who was so enthusiastic about all the felt work and another lovely lady who actually bought 5 felt covered notebooks!   In fact, I had to go home that night and make some more felt covered books because I had so few left to take to Knowsley Flower Show.    In the event, nobody at Knowsley gave the book covers a second glance – that’s craft fairs for you!     At Knowsley we were in quite a large marquee so we didn’t have to worry so much about the weather.     Although I had quite a quiet time there, I was happy to sell a print of the waterfront at night.   Liz was very pleased with herself, she sold several of her lovely knitted bags.   All in all, a successful weekend if a bit on the exhausting side.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Experimental felt

Despite all the good intentions, very little has actually been done - the garden is still in the same state as it was last week.   I have spent a lot of time trying to archive photos from last year - I need to make some room on my hard drive.   It takes ages to keyword them all, burn them to dvd and then put them in the database.    I am making slow progress though and I'll try to continue the good work next week.   It's one of those jobs which gets put off because it's not as exciting making a new print.

I did continue with the felt for the book/diary covers.  I first made 4 pieces of pre-felt and then cut out identical shapes from each piece.   Then I fitted the pieces from one piece into another piece - a bit like a jigsaw, added some strips of fabric or yarn and a little more merino and felted them together.   I think it's called inlay - and it was very successful.   I now have four interesting pieces of felt, two of which I've actually made into book covers  - and, of the other two,  one has had beads added.   I'm hoping to finish them all off, this week.

Today, we went for a walk in the lake district - just low level around Grasmere and Rydal, it was very pleasant and I took a few photographs although the light wasn't great.

Next weekend is  going to be very busy - as well being in the craft marquee at Knowsley Flower Show, Court Hey, on Sunday, we are going to be selling our wares on  Saturday at Bickerstock Music Festival.   It will be the first time I've been to a music festival and, although not exactly Glastonbury, it will, I'm sure be quite an experience - I hope we won't need our wellies.  

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Back again

Another holiday!  I've been away for a whole ten days in Pembrokeshire.   What a beautiful part of the country - the views from the coastal  path are spectacular - there a wildflowers in abundance and all manner of birds and insects to photograph.    The weather was a bit mixed,  but we didn't do too badly at all and I came back full of enthusiasm and ideas for things to make and do.   One one of the days that it poured down we went into Haverfordwest and I bough some fabrics to augment my stock of whites and creams for the quilt which is still ongoing.

On the other really awful day, I bought a drop spindle and a bag of fleece and set myself the task of learning to spin.   When it's pouring down there's not much else to do other than stay indoors, so it was a way of using the time profitably.   The first attempts were accompanied by a lot of grimacing, sighing and the occasional swear word but, by the end of the afternoon, I had about 20 metres of yarn - nowhere near perfect, but usable.   A couple of days later, when we came home from a walk early because of bad weather, I spun another 10 or so metres and that is much better, more even.   All I have to do now is to practise and then I have to teach myself to dye it.  

On the way home from Pembrokeshire we called in at a quilt exhibition at Llanidloes.   We have been there before and, as usual, the standard was amazing.   There were some beautiful quilts, both traditional and contemporary and several A4 sized, miniature quilts, which were very interesting.   I'm always inspired by the variety, the colours and the originality of the exhibition.   It really is worth seeing.  Perhaps I'll include some photos in my next blog.

Since I came home, I've been to the usual monthly Craft Fair at Lark Lane where I sold some cards and a bag among other things.   Today, we went look around at the Green Fair at Beacon Park (near Ashurst Beacon) where there were all sorts of things happening, as well as a craft tent.  I bought some beautiful rosewood buttons from a wood turner - I'll have to make something wonderful to use them on.    We also bought a beautiful plank of yew with rough edges - its drying slowly in the garage for the next 12 months or so and then, I think, we might make a little table from it.    We also met Margaret from the Soap Corner again, as well as Julie and Louise who generally have the table next to us at Fir Tree Farm, so it was a bit of a reunion!

The weather was really kind to us and we took lots of photos of the birds of prey, the viking reenactment and of the many dogs who were there.  We'll have to see what they're like when I eventually get round to downloading them - I haven't downloaded the hundred I took in Pembrokeshire yet!

I think next week is going to be very busy, we've got to blitz the garden, look after our grandchildren for a day, and generally catch up with ourselves as well as finishing off the felt for the diaries and starting on the new ideas.    Can't wait!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Not much progress

Oh dear, again,  not much to show for this week - although I did do a few bits and pieces like downloading the remaining Norway photos.  I have actually deleted a lot of them because they were blurred,  as I expected owing to the problems with my lens.    Actually, I did, eventually, bite the bullet and buy a new lens - a 15 - 135mm one.     It was only when it arrived that I realised that it has a larger diameter than the one it replaced and so I had to buy a new lens hood, filter holder, uv filter and a circular polarising filter - I should have thought of that!    However, it should be a bit more robust than the last one and I'm expecting great things of it!    I'm going to spend some time trying it out in the next few weeks.   Watch this space.

I did manage to go to my textile group this week and made a few pieces of pre felt which I'm intending to use to make some book/diary covers - it won't be long before 2012 diaries are out - what a depressing thought.

On Saturday, Liz and I went to Halsall School Carnival.  It was not a very promising day to start with but it turned out quite pleasant - the threatened rain didn't materialise.   There was a small craft marquee and we spent a pleasant day there - the organisers were so friendly and helpful and we met up again with Margaret from the Soap Corner in Halsall.   I sold a lovely trellis scarf  - one which took so long to make, I vowed I would never make another one!   Apart from that, I sold some cards, brooches and some little felt badges which children like.     

I'm trying out a new pattern for a knitted necklace at the moment - it's not been a great success so far but I'll persevere and see what happens.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

July already

Well, at least July seems to have started well – lovely weather for the last few days.   As predicted, it has not been a very productive week – I only managed to make some felt poppies and a few notelets and I haven’t even looked at my photos of Norway – I’m hoping to download the remainder this evening and then I’ll have a closer look at them all.

Had a really good day on Saturday though, we went to the Adult Education College in Lancaster.   The staff are  really friendly and helpful and the venue itself is light and airy.   In fact,  the whole experience is a very pleasant one,  we love going there.  I think, because of the really good weather, there weren’t as many people as usual but we had lots of  interest in what we were selling and some lovely compliments.   The scarves sold well, as usual, as did the brooches and cards.  I also sold a print of the Mersey Ferry with the Ark Royal in the background – that is, I believe, now on its way to America.   Liz got an order for a scarf which she actually started on Saturday evening.    We’ve had to order more wool again.

In the coming week, I’m hoping to make up for lost time and get sewing some more organza brooches, felt brooches and who knows what else. 

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Home is the wanderer, home from the sea.

I have to confess to having done very little in the past 10 days or so, I've just come back from a cruise to Norway so there was packing to be done before we went, and lots of washing to do now we're back!   What a beautiful country, I've never seen such majestic scenery, so many waterfalls and so much green.   It was breathtakingly beautiful and especially so at midsummer - daylight for almost 24 hours a day.    We were so lucky with the weather too - apparently it rains an awful lot in Norway but we managed 4 days of good weather with only a few isolated showers.   So far, today, I've downloaded 460 photos (more to come) - despite the fact that the autofocus on my wide angle lens gave up the ghost on the first day.   As I was having to use the manual focus, what with my dodgy eyesight, it remains to be seen how many survive the delete button but, heigh ho, it was a wonderful holiday nevertheless.

I came home on Friday and, on Saturday, went to the usual Craft Fair at the Old Police Station, Lark Lane.   I don’t know why,  but it was really very quiet and I spent some time finishing another scarf like the one pictured in my last blog,  and I started another one, white/cream, this time.

I'm expecting to be busy with family things this week but I'm hoping to squeeze in a bit of time to make some more poppies, perhaps an organza brooch or two and finish the felt landscape picture before we go to the Adult Education College in Lancaster on Saturday - I think I may be a tad optimistic, we'll see.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Flaming June

About a fortnight since my last blog and I have been so busy.   I knitted several scarves for the Craft Fair at West Derby but only one sold - a lovely black, white and grey one.   In the week after, I seemed to be quite productive, another 8 blocks for the quilt - 52 and counting.   I'm afraid it seems to have come to a halt for the moment, but I'll get back to it eventually.  Here's a picture of one of the scarves in shades of jade green - they're all in really wonderful colours
The felt poppies I made weren't so disappointing after all, they sold so well that I have made (and sold) 2 more. I think I'll have to make even more!  Most of the  maple leaf shapes which I stiffened were, I thought, too stiff so it's back to the drawing board on that one. All was not lost, however, I managed to get the stiffening out of them and have made some lovely, brooches in autumnal shades-in fact I think autumn is already here - it certainly doesn't feel like June!

The corsage which I planned to make out of organza turned out so well that I made another one as well.  The first one was in shades of fuchsia and purple and will be going on holiday with me to be worn on a black dress.   The other one, in shades of jade green (a favourite colour of mine) sold in the blink of an eye at Ormskirk last Saturday.

Speaking of which, we had a lovely day in Ormskirk at the Chapel Gallery.   It is always a pleasure to go there, everyone is so helpful and cheerful.    Margaret from the Soap Corner in Halsall was great company and we swapped some ideas for new products.   Apart from that, it was quite a quiet day but I sold lots of cards and several brooches and Liz sold some scarves so it was most successful.

For a couple of weeks now I've been experimenting with felt and nuno felting - small pieces,  to see what happens!   I've made some pretty flower brooches - pink and white merino wool on a diaphanous white fabric - the composition of which I'm uncertain - I don't think it's silk.   Whatever it is,  it puckers up nicely and is very effective - I made a corsage of 3 flowers which was beautiful and also sold at Ormskirk.   Another one, from the same batch is shown below - it reminds me of a  peony.
On Sunday, we ventured as far a Barton, near Preston, to quite a large craft fair.  Unfortunately, it was a horrible day and not a lot of people braved the elements.    Again, we met some lovely, interesting people, Anne, Sandra and Coleen, who made the day go quickly.  

Now, it's catch up time - I've got a little felt landscape picture and some experimental, 3 dimensional,  poppy buds to finish and some Lake District prints to mount.  Oh, and I forgot the umpteen photos waiting to be uploaded and 'photoshopped' - I may be some time!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Bank Holiday Weekend

Well, once again, it's only a week since my last blog - it won't last!  Another week flown by - where did that go?   I did some baby sitting on Wednesday and spent some of my time looking at textile websites on the internet - I've got lots more inspiration but not lots more time.  

A little, slow progress with the cot quilt - another 4 squares completed - that's 44 with 80 to go!   With the cream lawn I bought at Aintree,  I've made a top to send to my granddaughter in Holland, so the offcuts of that have gone into the quilt stash.  

On Friday, I made a couple more felt poppies which didn't turn out quite as expected but I'm sure that I can 'rescue' them.   This slight disappointment was compensated for by the felt maple leaf shapes which I made intending to make them into brooches.   I have experimented with stiffening the felt in various ways and by varying degrees and I am now trying to work out which is the most successful method.  I have yet to stitch into them,  and that might help me decide which method I like best.  Being able to stiffen the felt without altering the texture raises all sorts of other possibilities - hats, 3d objects etc.   Interesting!!!

Yesterday, I went to the Craft Fair at  Lark Lane.  I had to press my long-suffering husband into service (as Liz was away for a few days) - it is far easier when there are two of us who know what we're doing (well Liz does anyway) and I missed her.   A few 'old' faces turned up - two with new babies - and it was nice to see them again.   I sold a red, crocheted poppy made by Liz - her first foray into crochet - so that pleased her no end.    I sold a few bits and pieces and a couple of prints of local scenes so I will be reprinting them this week.  

Last week, I had an order for some large prints of the Iron Men by Antony Gormley and,  yesterday, I was asked by someone else to do three more large prints so I will have to get busy with them as well.

Today,  I went with my family to see one of my grandsons playing with Sefton Youth Jazz Band in Southport's Jazz Festival.   Thankfully, as they played in the Town Hall Gardens, the weather was kind to us - it was wonderful to see so many young, enthusiastic musicians - what a lovely way to spend a Bank Holiday Sunday.
My project, this week, as well as knitting some more scarves in preparation for our visit to West Derby at the weekend, is to make a fabric corsage out of soluble film, organza and machine embroidery.   Who knows I might even have some pictures of  it next week.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Aintree and Firtree Farm

It's only a week since my last post - aren't I getting good?   I can't promise this new me will last but I'm trying.   What's been going on this week?   First the cot quilt is making slow progress - only another four squares completed this week - I really do need some more fabric and I only managed to buy a piece of cream, cotton lawn at Aintree Craft and Hobby Show.   Still, the day was not wasted, I enjoyed meeting up with old friends and seeing some of the demonstrations that were on offer.   I saw part of a presentation by Wendy Dolan who does some wonderful textile pictures using cream/white natural fabrics as the basis and then painting and adding texture and, finally, machine embroidery.   Another Wendy (Cotterill) was kind enough to demonstrate how she prints on fabric using her inkjet printer.   She does some beautiful textile work and you can see some examples on  

I also tried my hand at spinning with a drop spindle while I was at Aintree and I have to say I wasn't half bad - I was truly dreadful.  It's a bit like learning to drive you have to remember to do all sorts of different things at the same time - I was a source of great merriment to the expert and the other participants, not to mention the spectators who had the foresight not to volunteer!   I will master it though, I'm looking at a drop spindle on e-bay and I intend to learn to do it or die in the attempt.   Watch this space.    Having said all that, I have almost a metre of hand spun wool ( a bit slubby I'll grant) thanks to the patience and expertise of the demonstrator (whose name I forgot to note).

There was some great work on display by various textile and quilting groups but there wasn't a lot on offer for textile artists, plenty of cardmaking and jewellery suppliers but not nearly enough fabrics and fibres.    So, although I spent quite a lot of money, it was mostly on bits and pieces like vilene, machine needles, thread and other mundane items. 

Last Monday, at my photography club, we had a lecture from John Wells on 'Creative Photography' - it was brilliant - as well as being a very entertaining lecturer his prints (and there were many) were stunning.   He seems to take photos of anything and everything and although there are plenty of unmanipulated shots, he uses manipulation in a very creative way and produces some wonderful pictures.  I was inspired to get down to doing some more creative work this Summer.

On Saturday, we went to Firtree Farm, near Billinge, where there was also a Farmers' Market taking place.   We've been there before and, as usual, it was a very enjoyable experience - the other stallholders are a friendly bunch and varied crafts on offer.    It was quite busy and we sold a necklace,some prints, cards, a couple of brooches and several scarves so we were well pleased.    People were very appreciative of the mounted prints and I'm hoping to get a few orders through the website - we'll see.   Liz actually got a commission for a photo - I think she's still smiling....

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Mixed fortunes

Well, we went to Walton Vale - not a howling success - I was not feeling very well - a tummy bug,  and the weather was awful which kept most people indoors.  It's such a shame, the other stallholders are really pleasant, there's plenty of variety,  but the weather always beats us there despite the best efforts of the organisers who even go out in the pouring rain giving out fliers. 

Because I was under the weather, not much got done until about Thursday - I had a look at my photos from the Lakes and Scotland and found there weren't many I really liked.   I did, however, make inroads into making blocks for the cot quilt, I've made about 36 squares - I only need another 84!   I'm beginning to run out of white/cream pure cotton fabrics so I'm going to have to buy some, which defeats the whole purpose which was to use up some scraps!  It was ever thus!  

On Friday, I felted some poppy flowers to make a corsage to wear on a black lace jacket - I had to be careful not to make them too heavy and bulky.   They have turned out really well - fine, bright red,  merino wool with black silk centres and shading.  I've beaded them with black beads to represent stamens and they look great - all I've got to do now is back them and attach a brooch pin.  When that's done, I'll post a photo of  the resulting corsage.

I also finished a couple of scarves and they went with us to the Village Hotel in Widnes today.   Oh dear, another dreadfully wet day - nobody in their right mind would have gone out in it -  so again, few people about.   Made some new friends and met up with some old ones - several of us will meet up again at the Chapel Gallery in Ormskirk in a few weeks.

The best news though, is that,  this week,  I made my first real sale through the website - great rejoicing.   I sold a felt brooch - let's hope it's the first of many sales.  

Can't wait for next Friday's day out at Aintree, not just to spend some money,  but I'll be meeting up with frends I made when doing my City and Guilds course - it should be quite a reunion.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Back to work

Once again, I've been off on holiday - aren't I lucky.   We went to Scotland for a long weekend and managed to combine it with a visit to a textile artist whose workshop I attended a couple of years ago.    Her name is Maggie Ayres and she does some really wonderful mixed media canvases - I love the textures she creates with felt, silk, scrim and gesso.   Have a look at her website   She now has a studio in Kirkcudbright along with several other artists.    There are lots of little studios in Kirkcudbright and we saw some very interesting and inspiring work.    The weather was very kind to us - lots of sun but quite windy and cool.   We visited the Dumfries and Galloway coast and a few houses and gardens.   We even saw the Ospreys at Threave Castle - that was exciting.

Tomorrow, we're off to Walton Vale for a Craft Fair at Longmoor Lane Methodist Church so I've been knitting scarves and I'll be taking them with me, together with the felt bookcovers I have at last photographed.

I still haven't worked on the photos from our trip to the Lakes on Easter Sunday .  I've been working on some earrings for a lady who bought a pendant from me at Lark Lane on Easter Saturday - they're all but finished now so, hopefully, this week, I'll have some time to go through them.

The resolution to finish things off before starting a new project bit the dust quite quickly!   I have embarked on making a cot quilt - I was inspired by a book called 'Quilting to Dye for' which advocates making the quilt first and then dying it - the results can be very interesting  - at least they are in the book!   I'm using different weight fabrics  in white and cream cotton, broderie anglaise, and other odds and ends - it is quite time consuming but I'm really enjoying it.  I'll have to buy some wadding and some fabric for the backing when I visit the craft show at Aintree Racecourse in a few weeks.   I've got quite a shopping list - if I buy everything on it I'll need a mortgage. 

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter!   I've been very good this week - did the garden as promised - it still needs more time spent on it so perhaps a bit more this week.  I've made two different prototype tunic tops for my granddaughter and they're awaiting the sign of approval - let's hope they fit.   I made some colourful book covers from some felt which was an experimental piece which I then hand embroidered - I do like them, perhaps I'll have photos of them next time.    I've also been getting some photos ready for a competition - the standard is high so I've been agonising over which to submit - only time will tell if I've made the right decisions.

On Saturday, we went to Lark Lane (without the St. George's Day rose - a long story!) and, although it was quiet, we still enjoyed it.  Once again, we met some new and interesting people and, among other things, sold some of the scarves I spoke about in my last blog.  Liz, my sister and partner in crime, is ordering some more wool for us tomorrow, so the knitting needles will be red hot getting some more ready for the Craft Fair at Longmoor Lane Methodist Church on 7th May.

Today, we've been walking in the Lake District - hoping to get some good photographs of bluebells.   The weather was glorious, the birdsong was wonderful (particularly the goldcrest we saw)  but the bluebells are just a bit later up there than here so, although they were plentiful, they were not quite at their best.   Took many, many photos anyway and I'm going to get them onto the computer this evening, along with the birds from last week.  

I'm not sure what the plans are for the rest of this week, I need to finish off quite a few bits and pieces before I start on something new  - a bit of self-discipline required.  We'll see.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

I'm back again

Oh dear, the new me didn't last long - I haven't written anything new for weeks!   No real excuses - I have been busy and I have been out of the country for a few days visiting family - but I really should have posted something. I have been knitting furiously - scarves made from either Rico Can Can or Katia Ondas and Triana yarns - they are really different, and they feel absolutely gorgeous, soft and silky - they remind me of a feather boa!

I've also been printing some photos of the winter sunset at Crosby,  Merseyside, which I took ages ago, they make lovely cards.

On 2nd April, we went to Neston again, we enjoyed it very much - once again meeting interesting people.   I was even able to help one of the ladies manning the cafe with a knitting pattern which had got the better of her - I hope she's getting on with it o.k. now.

This week I've been taking advantage of the Spring weather and have been out taking photos of birds, flowers etc.   I should really have been doing the garden, but I've promised myself to get out there this week instead.   In a spare moment I'm making a summer tunic top for one of my granddaughters - I've cut a pattern off one she already has and its cut out and ready to sew.  I hope its a success - only time will tell!

On Saturday, we're going to the Old Police Station at Lark Lane, a favourite haunt of ours, it's Easter Saturday so I hope there'll be plenty of people in holiday mood - perhaps looking for the odd last minute Easter Present!   It's also St. Georges Day so I'll have to try to get myself a red rose (not a poppy!).

Sunday, 27 March 2011


Isn't it wonderful?   The clocks have gone forward, the evenings are getting lighter, the temperature's rising and, best of all, there's blossom and buds on the trees and daffodils everywhere.   Yesterday, we went to a Craft Fair at the Old Police Station, Lark Lane.  It was their first fair of the season and it was great to catch up with some of our old friends.    Although it was quite quiet the people who came were really interested and interesting to talk to.  I sold a few prints and several scarves and other bits and pieces.     We will be there again on St. George's Day (Easter Saturday) so, as it's a holiday weekend we hope people will be browsing and, perhaps, even looking for last minute Easter presents.

I've made some shoulder  bags this week.   I  hate waste and have collected a 'stash' of various fabrics over a number of years.  It is my ambition to make good use of all the pieces of fabric I've acquired and turn them into something useful.   The bags, this week, have been made out of furnishing fabric, they all  have a longish strap and two are decorated with tabs fastened with glass beads and the other one has a 'cuff' decorated with a large button.  Each one has a snap fastener to close.

On the same note, I made two handbags from a piece of beautiful, soft, felt which I stupidly allowed to get into the washing machine!   It is still beautiful, but not soft!  I generally wash felt in the washing machine on a gentle, wool, cycle but in a distracted moment, of which I have more and more lately, I put it in a normal wash at 40 degrees - ow!   Rather than let it go to waste, I have used it to make two, similar handbags using bought handles.   One is trimmed with a glass bead and loop to close it, while the other has a flower decoration on the flap.

On Friday, I  also made a couple of felt bowls.  My niece commissioned one in pinks/purples as a present,  so I actually made two and she can choose which one she likes best.    I'll photograph the 'rejected' one to show you after she's chosen.

I think that's my limit for now - I hope you're impresses that I've, at last, managed to keep to my resolution to 'blog' weekly - it can't last.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

I'm Back

Oh dear, I have been remiss - not a single post since 20th February.  I should explain that I have been away on holiday and that slowed me down a bit.   I haven't been totally idle however, I've been updating my website which always takes longer than you think it's going to.   I've added lots of silk and satin cards - each one is a fabric collage which I have embroidered both by hand and machine and some of them are beaded as well.  Each one is like a mini work of art and, although they are fiddly, I really enjoy making them.  There are so many of them and I wouldn't know which to choose to picture here, so I'm afraid you'll have to look on the website.   

Last week, I made another felt bowl, which I am very pleased with - it is mostly grey merino with a snall amount of  black and blue,  and I've added some grey and white fibres also.   To finish it off, I have attached a small piece of grey slate which I picked up on a beach in Pembrokeshire - it works really well.   I've also, at long last, photographed the red bowl I made before Christmas, it is decorated with french knots in various shades of red and coral.
Since February, we have attended two Craft Fairs, one in Neston Town Hall - a new venture for us, which was very successful .   We will be going there again on 2nd April -  it was very pleasant and well organised.
While I was away, Liz went to one at the Park Inn,  St. Helens.   As usual, the staff were so welcoming, warm and friendly but, unfortunately, for some reason, there didn't seem to be many people about.    Very strange, last time we were there it was quite busy.   We'll be at Lark Lane, this weekend for their first Fair of the season.    I hope we'll get lots of interest - Mothers' Day is on Sunday, so perhaps there will be some last minute present buying!

I'm hoping, in the next few days, to download and print some of the (few) photos I took when we were away - I'm hoping I might have one decent shot of an egret and perhaps one of a surfer.  Neither are easy to photograph - the egret was very shy and the surfers move at quite a lick! 

With a bit of luck, I'll get in a walk in the Lake District in the next few weeks and that might yield some good photo opportunities.  In the meantime, I'm making a couple of bags - I hope to finish, and photograph them, for the next blog.